Who was on the trip:
Evelina Fedorenko (tedlab student, now professor at MIT BCS), Duane Watson, Neal Pearlmutter, his girlfriend (now wife) Jodi Silverman, John Hale, Doug Rohde (more muscle poses here), his girlfriend (now wife) Christine, Eric
Solomon, Ken Nakatani, Tessa Warren (tedlab student, now professor at University of Pittsburgh), Tessa’s boyfriend (now husband) Dave / Deo (professor at Carnegie Mellon), Andrea Martin (visiting the lab at the time, now
lecturer (professor) at Edinburgh)
Commentary: Day 1 hike was up Mt Adams. This was too ambitious: over 5500 ft of vertical. We lost half the group on the way up. My bad.
An early image in this set shows the red-haired Evelina Fedorenko (!!).
No photos from day 2 hike. I think I sprained my ankle that year, and didn’t go on a second hike.